Oommen Chandy’s Journey: From Humble Beginnings to Political Greatness

The death of the former Kerala Chief Minister Oomen Chandy was announced by his son through a Facebook post

Oommen Chandy

Former Chief Minister Oommen Chandy has passed away at the age of 79.

The senior Congress leader, who was getting treated for cancer, took his last breath at a Bengaluru hospital on July 18 morning.

Opposition leader V D Satheesan said that mortal remains of Oommen Chandy would be brought to Thiruvananthapuram in the afternoon on Tuesday. His body would be kept for public homage in the capital the whole day.

The body will be taken to his native Kottayam on Wednesday, where there will be kept the public homage the whole day.

The Burial will be conducted on Wednesday.

Oommen Chandy's Early life and Background

Born on October 31, 1943, in the charming town of Putthupalli, located in the Kottayam district of Kerala, Oommen Chandy hails from a loving middle-class family. Growing up, his parents played a crucial role in shaping his character with hard work, honesty, and compassion.

Despite their simple living, young Chandy’s curiosity knew no bounds, and he had a huge thirst for knowledge. But what truly set him apart was his desire to make a difference and serve his fellow citizens. These early traits would go on to define his inspiring journey in the world of politics.

Oommen Chandy's Entry into Politics

Chandy’s interest in politics was evident from a young age. He actively participated in student politics during his college days, which allowed him to connect with like-minded individuals who shared his vision for a better society. His natural leadership skills and ability to connect with people helped him gain popularity and paved the way for his entry into mainstream politics.

Narendra Modi ji tweeted sharing his Condolences

Oommen Chandy's First Term as Chief Minister

In 2004, Oommen Chandy’s political career and popularity reached new heights when he was elected as the Chief Minister of Kerala. During his first term, he focused on implementing pro-people policies, promoting economic development, and improving the state’s infrastructure. His tenure was marked by significant progress in various sectors, and his commitment to good governance earned him admiration from all sections of society.

Oommen Chandy's Re-election and Achievements

Chandy’s exemplary leadership during his first term earned him re-election as Chief Minister in 2011. During his second term, he continued to work tirelessly to address the state’s pressing issues, including healthcare, education, and agriculture. He also played a crucial role in attracting investments to the state and promoting tourism, which boosted the economy and generated employment opportunities for the people of Kerala.

Personal Life and Interests

Beyond politics, Oommen Chandy has a deep interest in literature, music, and sports. He is an avid reader and a connoisseur of classical music. Despite his busy schedule, he makes time for leisure activities and believes in the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance.


  1. Q: How did Oommen Chandy’s early life influence his political career?                               A: Oommen Chandy’s upbringing in a humble family instilled in him values that guided his commitment to public service.

  2. Q: What were some of the notable achievements during Chandy’s tenure as Chief Minister?                                                                                                                                           A: Some of the notable achievements include significant progress in healthcare, education, and infrastructure development.

  3. Q: How did Oommen Chandy handle challenges during his political career?                     A: Oommen Chandy’s composed demeanor and decisive actions helped him overcome various challenges.

  4. Q: What is Oommen Chandy’s legacy in Kerala’s political landscape?                                 A: Oommen Chandy’s legacy lies in his contributions to the state’s development and his commitment to social justice.

  5. Q: Apart from politics, what are Oommen Chandy’s interests?                                              A: Oommen Chandy has a keen interest in literature, music, and sports, and he believes in maintaining a healthy work-life balance. 

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